Coromandel Town > Whitianga (35km, 3h)

Today I start later, it’s 9:45am. Matt is building his own house and Caitlin has to make thousand of tales before summer time. So I proposed my help as a wwoofing. They will be available in 3 weeks so I changed a bit my plan. I will visit the centerĀ  of the North Island now, then come back to Coromandel Town for a couple of weeks (or more, or less, I don’t know) and finally continue my way to the east as it was (almost) organise since the beginning :-).


Hey what’s that? A little metal spider:-). Aaah, as my NZ book told me I should be arrived to waterworks park.

I don’t need to explain anything, all is up there :-).

One of them in the car park. I have to pay 20$ to see the rest. There is some attractions to interact with but alone… And I’m really alone here there is anybody. I don’t want to spend my money for that. Bye!

I prefer taking pictures of the forest :-) and looking for kauri trees.

Ah, there is a waterfall somewhere.

And a picture to take haha.

The 309 road is one big hill. I’m on the way down now and the landscape is beautiful!

I remember that, my NZ book mentioned also this place.

They are working, do not disturb them…

The same river, very clear water!

Ah ok that’s the shop… I thought it was bigger with somebody inside. To dogs are coming to verify if I pay the honey I take :-).

Some honey and a basket, I like that. I could take 5 pots and give them 5 dollars :-) Nooo! I’m not like this.

Ok Doggy, I’ve paid, may I go out now?

One more for my “letter box collection”. This one is the “wally box” :-).

All right, I’m in Whitianga now. This place is certainly for people with money…

And like every time… I’m the only guy in a tent… Cool!

I’ve time to visit this small city now, here we go :-).

The port.

The city is not really big (pop. 4500) but in summer it certainly crowded.

The beautiful beach :-)

The ferry place. I’m going to catch it tomorrow morning to continue my way around Cook beach, Hahei (Cathedral Cove) and HotĀ  Water Beach.

Tomorrow there is a scallops festival (coquille saint jacques). They are setting up the tents and all the things for the organisation. But the entrance is 40$ gloups! Not for me…

Whitianga main road at evening.

Finally come back to the camp. It’s time for cooking :-).