Tantanoola > Robe (108km, 5h10)

Today is the fastest day I’ve experienced until Sydney. The road is pretty flat and I’ve got a nice tailwind nearly all the way to Robe. This is why I made more than 100km! At this pace, I will be in Adelaide sooner than I thought! But we never know. The wind might be a head one tomorrow so I took the opportunity today. I’ve stopped in Beach port for lunch and made a new flag. I bought a pole yesterday when I left Mt Gambier and fixed the flag I found on the road few weeks ago. This way is much cheaper than to buy a new one from a bicycle shop for $20. The pole was less than $3 and the flag was free of course. Just because it’s a security accessory they push up the price. This is a rip off!


Tantanoola Cycling


This is where I’ve camped last night. This place is an old Railway station so no train woke me up last night ;-)

This morning I’ve read the signs and it was written: “Self-contained only, no camping”. Oups! Sorry :-)

Back on a saddle! Hey, wait a minute… Is it an…

… apple tree! Yes! And there is a lot!

Look at that! Lots of free energy here :-)

I’m getting closer to beachport, it’s around 11am now and I’ve done 50km already! So fast!

There is a pretty long jetty there.

I found my spot :-) It’s protected from the wind and I have a nice view from here too.

My lunch break is finished and it’s was good. I’ve cooked pasta, with pumpkin, red onion, tuna, olives and tomato sauce. I’m full and ready to do another 50 km to reach Robe if the wind is still on my side. This river is really clear :-)

On the other side of the river, there is a fire in the field next to it. The firemen are handle it so it looks like all is in control.

Definely, I still have a tailwind which is so good. I should be in Robe around 5pm and will have some time to visit around before sunset. This is the southern view on my left side.

The road view front of me.

And the northen view on my right side. As you can see, there is not much hills around. I’ve done enough until here so I’m glad I can enjoy a fast ride today.

Oh, by the way, this is my new custom made flag with a wood pole I bought yesterday. Hope I will do at least Australia with this one.

And another custom made thing is my new trailer mudguard which works pretty well. I’ve fixed the vibrating noise during the last lunch so it should be better now. I’ve made this one when I was in Melbourne and Peter helped me :-)

I’ve done it! I’m in Robe and the small touristy town is very nice. There is plenty of old bricks building which gives to this place a very nice feeling.

Another one :-)

And again.

This one is certainly a modern one but they tried to keep that brick style.

Houu, the sun is leaving already. I’ve seen a spot on my way to the center so if I don’t find anything better I will come back there.

Empty beach, well, almost :-)

I’m cycling now towards the end of Robe.

The Robe Marina.

Marina sunset.

Marina sunset second try.

A Jetty.

This is a nice hilly cycle path which goes to the end of Robe. I thought I should stay here for the night but I’m sure some jogger will see me tomorrow morning.

Robe’s Obelisk!

And its bay.

And the last portrait shot for the day. It’s now dark and cold enough for me to come back to my spot. I’m gonna camp next to a small lake at the entrance of the city. But shuuut, you did not hear anything right? ;-) Good night!

2 thoughts on “Tantanoola > Robe (108km, 5h10)

  1. Dis donc, il y a des ancêtres de Gaudi en Australie ? Peut-être des admirateurs, parce que la table en mosaïque, c’est tout à fait son style ! Lol. Ton équipement de vélo est de plus en plus sophistiqué. Garde boue, drapeau gratos, pull over … La ville de Robe est jolie, mais que de lignes droites ! Moi, perso, je préfère quand c’est un peu plus de guingois !

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