Innisfail, trip with Martin and Josh, day3 (last day)


I’ve started this last day in the hospital. oh, well, I did not slept there. Martin and Josh dropped me off. I prefer to make sure my wounds are under control. But yesterday night, Paul did a very good job. The nurse cleaned everything again and the doctor came to see if I needed any stitches (point de souture). He had a quick look and said :  ” it looks perfect to me”. Hey, that’s it? ok, that’s cool :-) Just that I had to pay 250$, gloups! At least, I know all is good, this is the most important.


So well, Martin and Josh are going to pick me up in 20min so I’ve got a tiny bit of time to visit Innisfail. This is the town where backpackers try to get a job in banana farms. I’ve tried as well when I arriver in may 2013 but the season was really quiet at this time. Anyway, I don’t have to worry about it today :-)


And this is a park, yes, yes really :-)


Here we are. Martin and Josh picked me up and we are on our way for the next job. But there is a small problem here…


This is only a small one as josh and Martin know perfectly how to get ride of a fallen tree : Chainsaw! 5 minutes later we could drive again :-)

The job was finished and it’s time to have fun. We were at the top of the hill so the easy way to go down is cycling, of course!

One thought on “Innisfail, trip with Martin and Josh, day3 (last day)

  1. Bon pas de chute aujourd’hui, heureusement parce qu’à cette vitesse ….En tous cas sympa la balade, il manque les bonnes odeurs de la forêt ! Dommage !

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