Wellington > Hawera (282km by bus)

Houuu, shame on me, I’m taking the bus. I’m doing for two reason and not because I’m lazy ;-) first one : several people I met told me that this road is dangerous and not really nice for cyclist. There is not alternative roads beside this one and it’s an highway with buses, trucks, and all the big traffic. The econd reason is : I prefer to avoid this non interesting part and be sure to be on time in Auckland. If I have to stop for some reason, for bad weather or I don’t know yet, it’s better to have few days to prevent any problem. I’m not lazy :-P

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Wellington, second day off

Yesterday, I spend my day between Te Papa museum (for the fast internet connexion) and the library to charge the tablet and my phone. I could learn many things but no… just electronic day. Then, I left the city centre at 9 pm maybe to find a new spot for the night. The last one was not the best and I came back around the backpacker where I stayed almost a week during my first visit of Wellington. I remembered there was a small park and I was right. The place was really quiet and totally flat this time :-) .it was a bit dirty with beer cans all around but I cleaned the area to avoid any problem. I’m now going back to the library to continue what I was doing yesterday. I have to download all the app I need and learn how to be fast like I was with the tablet. I just hate the Samsung keyboard! It’s useless! If I don’t find any solution I’m ready to sell it already and buy another phone. I also have to prepare the tablet for Dene because he is waiting for it since 5 weeks now. We have exchanged some emails and he is impatient to receive it :-) I have to hurry up because we are Saturday and the post office is open only this morning. Sunday it’s closed and Monday also because it’s Queen’s day anniversary.

Wellington, day off for catching my parcel, it’s Christmas again!

That’s one of the worst night I ever have, thank you north island. I was slipping all the night so it was difficult to sleep well. And then, after the children left for the second time, some other guys came with a motorbike (I’m not sure) and played in the playground. Fortunately they didn’t see me and I didn’t hear them left the park. Anyway, today is Christmas because I’m going to get my parcel from France. I hope it’s standing where I think and I won’t have bad surprise.

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Havelock > Picton (41km, 2h30)

Today, I’m heading east towards Picton. I would like to meet Jude and Denis again. We met them with Josianne 5 months ago in Anakiwa when we were going to ride the Queen Charlotte track. The day we left, the couple told us that we could come back and see them again before leaving South island. Their place is right on my way to Picton so I will be glad to see them again and say goodbye. But before all that, now, the day starts with an hill, a good warm up :-)

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