Kediri > Pigri (return, by car)


This morning Maria suggested to go to the beach. She asked me if I wanted to go with her family or stay here, haha. Why would I stay here alone? She trust me too much already :-) The thing I did not realised is the fact that Kediri is 80km away from the sea and considering the Indonesian traffic it’s far away. All together we went to the beach today. From right to left: Yon, Asri, Maria, Ethan, Irene, Yuni and me. Maria’s son, Abraham, stayed at home playing video games.

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Darwin, last day in Australia

Very last day in Australia! Thanks everyone for your help along the way :-) Martin, Yoko and Marco, Karen, Jeff and Koby, John, Pauline and Catherine, Robin!, Stan, Wendy and Peter, Two Skinny Men, Tim and his parents, Akihiko, Alex and Dirk, Anthony, Graham and Joy, Matt and his girlfriend, The Team (Sue, John, Graham, Kate, Neil and Charles), The backpackers (Mariline, Ludovic, Ted and Luckas), Steve and Jackie, The adventurers (Nichole, Jose and Jean Louis). Australia has been very easy to travel through with your help and kindness. The rest of my trip might be very different as I won’t speak the local language as I did in here and NZ. The adventure continues!

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Darwin, busy day off


My spot last was good and free. I found an ugly park next to the Marina in Darwin where no one would come to run or chill during the morning. And I was right :-) Peace and quiet but still very hot and humid. My tent, the bike plus trailer were soaking wet this morning. Today I’ve done numerous of useful things. First I’ve been moving to another park where I could get some water and a sit on a bench to have my breakfast. Then I went to a public swimming to have a shower and spent some time in the water. At least I paid $4 for something :-) Then I came back in the city and took an appointment with a doctor to know what kind of immunisation I need for Indonesia. Before the appointment I’ve been to the post office and did 12 ID photos so I will be ready to apply for any visa! Just on time I came back to see the doctor and he gave me Malaria tablets + Typhoid and Hepatitis A shot. The Malaria tablets works against the Mozis. The Hepatitis A vaccine protect from food and water and the typhoid vaccine protects from infection by a particular bacterium (Salmonella typhi). It can be find in contaminated food and water as well. The list was not that long so I guess it’s just the useful ones to do. When it was done and after I’ve spent $300 I went to the library where I’ve been working on my blog until 5:30pm. And finally I came back to see Nicole, Jose, Jean Louis and Jack on their wonderful boat. I really had a good time with them. We talked travel, adventure, travel, and politic, and travel :-). As I said yesterday they are very inspiring. One day, ONE DAY, I will put my bike on a sailing boat and visit the world again but differently!

Elsey National park camping, day off

A relaxing day today. This campsite is very nice and very quiet. I think I said that already :-) I’ve got nothing to do, no pedaling, no internet browsing, no swimming but reading! I’ve started a book a while ago and I very happy to finally have nothing else to do than reading. And later this afternoon I’ll check the Roper  river which is 5 minutes far from where I am. Busy schedule today! ;-)

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