Darwin, second day off


I didn’t do much today. I slept at the same spot as yesterday and then I came back to the library to charge my mobile again because yesterday night I was searching informations about sailing :-) Then around 5pm, I went out towards the beach to see the sunset. Simple day.


This morning I’ve seen two tents on the other corner of the park. The guys were camping right next to the street. Only few trees were between them and the cars.


Over there, were the trees are, there is the road. And behind the building there is the Marina where Nichole, Jose and Jean Louis are staying.


Hop, my phone is charged and I’ve been working a bit more on my blog too. I’m now gonna go to the beach. There is a famous market but it’s open only on Thursdays and Sundays nights. I’m leaving to the airport tomorrow (Thursday)… This is bad luck!


This is a part of the botanical garden.


And now that famous beach where the market stands twice a week. There is showers here so I will have one tomorrow morning :-)


The beach!


I’m now cycling along the coastline.


This bicycle track is nice. By checking mps I can go quite far.


Houuu, the sun is nearly down the water. If I hurry up I could make it to East point, that piece of land over there. Let’s accelerate!


Rah! Too late but still nice.


Darwin is there.


Last picture for the day.

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