Upper Mongogarie, green house entrance


It rained yesterday and I can’t work anymore on the jacuzzis because the wood is now bigger than before… I didn’t expect that. I guess if it’s sunny today I could finish the work tomorrow, I’ll see. Anyway, I found something else to fix now, the first step inside the greenhouse. The wood felt down and the dirt escaped. Let’s fix this :-)


Same technique as ouside for a good result and similar design.


I’ve worked one hour more but it’s done! This is a new place to put some flower pots or anything else.


I took that picture few days ago to conpare how it was before :-) Tomorrow I’m gonna finish the jacuzzis!

One thought on “Upper Mongogarie, green house entrance

  1. Aïe, c’est vrai le bois travaille à l’humidité Tu as intérêt à laisser du jeu pour le cas où, sinon tes jacuzzis vont se faire la malle au premier orage ou pendant la saison des pluies Tu auras peut-être bien des jacuzzis flottants !

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