Melaka, local food


Since more than a week now, Shen show me a very nice place where local students come everyday for lunch. We call it between each other the market but it’s actually street food centre. Every weekdays, hundreds of students come here to eat their lunch. A meal is about 3 to 5 ringgit (~$1AUD to $1.5AUD) which is nothing. They don’t give much food though except one shop where we go everyday now. There is a various amount of choice. The woman give us first some rice and then it’s self service :-) I mainly eat veggies with a bit of meat or eggs. First time I’ve been taking a large amount of rice and veggies for 3 ringgit! ($1AUD > 0.6€). Then I don’t know what happened but as more as we came, as more expensive the price became. The is the Malaysian way maybe : More you come, more you pay haha.

2 thoughts on “Melaka, local food

  1. D’abord ils vous rendent accros, et après ils augmentent. Pour le prix c’est de bonne guerre, mais je suppose que c’est plus dur à supporter pour les étudiants qui ne travaillent pas ?

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