Brisbane > Cairns (1389km, 2h) > city centre (8km, 30min)

No, okay… I repeat : today is THE day. The day when I reach my final destination. The day of a new beginning. The day where I arrive in Cairns! haha this is cool :-)


As expected I got between 5am and 5:15am my breakfast. I choose the cheapest one because I don’t want to pay any extra but it’s still a nice breakfast : 3 mini croissants, 2 toasts, 1 apple thing and other tasty things (I can’t translate).

Cairns! I’ve got all my stuff. One more thing now…

… play Lego :-)

Ready to ride!

First impression, it’s warm! My GPS indicates more than 28°! Second impression, I like the first one :-D

Few kilometers later I arrive in Cairns city centre. The backpacker open at 3pm. Why so late? I do not know… I can visit between that time.

I didn’t take any closer picture today but the big trees front of me are full of bats! There is thousand of them and maybe more! Awesome! The first thing attract my sight was the noise.

Then I’m continuing towards the beach.

Loopholes it’s nice :-)

Large view.

I feel like I’m in manly (next to Sydney). I was there 5 years ago and it’s the same atmosphere.

I heard about it and it’s true. This is a free swimming pool with free cold showers with free BBQ! Isn’t that nice? Sure!

It’s not possible to see the sunset like in NZ but the colours are still good :-)

The west coast is far away from here so the ocean sunset is not for tomorrow.

All around in the park there is different colored lights that change the colours of the trees for a beautiful warm atmosphere.

That’s the free bbq’s place. There are placed all along the sea and inside the park. It’s smell grilled meat everywhere and makes me hungry!

Wouhaaa! Suddenly I remember something : the bats I’ve seen this afternoon. They are now going somewhere else all together making noise like birds.

Impressive, there are so many.

And it’s difficult to catch a clear close picture. This first day in Cairns is a good surprise. I did not expect a place like this. See ya :-D

2 thoughts on “Brisbane > Cairns (1389km, 2h) > city centre (8km, 30min)

  1. Allez nous voilà partis pour de nouvelles aventures ! En fait, si je comprends bien tu viens de passer de l’hiver à l’été !! C’est plus agréable que le contraire d’ailleurs !
    C’est bizarre ces chauves souris qui se baladent en plein jour !!!

    1. C’est carrément l’erreur même ! Ça fait trop du bien :-) ouais les chauve souris remplissent toujours les même arbres et la nuit tombée elles partent faire un tour et revienne le matin. Cool :-)

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