Wellington, New year eve

We are still the 31th but not for a long time again :-) Around 11pm we plan to go all together on the harbour and see the fireworks but it’s really windy so it’s not sure that the city organize something. We will see.

Like in Napier, we have our good guitarist with us always ready to enjoy :-)


Yes, we are in summer but not here! It’s cold!

It’s better in a tripod :-)

That’s the harbour and it’s almost midnight!

01 January, we are the first :-) but where are the fireworks??? What? No? Roooh…:-(

Video :-)

Vinz, you look so worried haha :-)

Some people, boys and girls was jumping in the water! Glaglagla!

Christian and Leïa chatting front of the water.


We were certainly late to see the concert… I didn’t took so many pictures tonight but it was a good simple party :-) tomorrow sleeeeep.