Melaka, Jerome is leaving too


Jerome has been cycling from Belgium until Malaysia (where we met) in about 9 months. He wants to carry on until, at least, China where he will meet one of his friend with whom he will be cycling. During his trip, he has done most parts alone and some other with friends. He is carrying a lot of stuff and doesn’t necessary look for quality products. His bike is a simple Decathlon city bike that resisted all the way! His bike had some physical issues (a car rolled over one of his wheel after he felt down) but he made it!
Once upon a time, he did a few weeks trip through Italy where he bought a bike for 50€. Jerome knows how to travel very cheaply.

2 thoughts on “Melaka, Jerome is leaving too

  1. C’est sur qu’il voyage moins confortablement que toi, mais moins longtemps aussi peut-être ! Et puis arrête donc de culpabiliser Damien, tu fais plein de choses mieux que les autres, ça compense !

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